Nov 03

Mountain Boy Journals 30 Days of Thankfulness – Day 3

Day 3: I am thankful for my dogs because they are fun to play with and are funny and like to sleep with you.

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Nov 02

Mountain Boy Journals 30 Days of Thankfulness – Day 2

Day 2: I am thankful for my home because it is warm because we have a wood stove in it and my house has a lot of cool stuff in it.

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Nov 01

Mountain Boy Journals 30 Days of Thankfulness – Day 1

Day 1: I am thank for my parents because they  give me good food to eat  and my Dad made  the house that I live in and the table that I eat at.

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Oct 08

Special thank you and upcoming events…

I hope this finds everyone doing good.  I wanted to post a special thank you to those of you that have recently placed orders on my store and also to those of you that took the time to enter my Paracord Bracelet giveaway. Congratulations goes to Rachel Shetterly.  She was my lucky winner. I have …

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