Today my Mammy and Pappy had to put Slickity down. He was a good dog and I wish they didn’t have to put him down but they had to because he is blind from diabetes and some of his organs were failing. I liked slickity because he liked to play and he liked it when he got petted by …
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Sep 21
Book Of The Month – Guns of the Timberlands by Louis L’amour – August 2012
The book is about a man named Clay Bell. Clay Bell was cattleman and he lived back in a place called Deep Creek. A man named Jud Devitt wanted the trees in Deep Creek to use for the rail road. A man named Bert Garry died. He was a worker for Clay Bell and Clay …
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Sep 11
New things in the wilderness
While I was gone on my vacation a lot changed in the wilderness. First we got Ray the rooster, Gus the ginny rooster and eight laying hens. Then we added 22 more chickens and a couple of meat rabbits. My chores consist of feeding and watering the chickens and rabbits. I also gather the eggs. …
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