May 03

Unexpected Events in the Wilderness

When mom and I went to get my Mammy and Pappy Klinger there was a tree down on our return trip home from the high winds.  It was across the road and we thought it was heavy, but I could move it out of the way by myself.  If it had been heavier we would …

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Mar 05

Mountain Boy Journals has a store

Today, while I was out in my tree house I decided to started selling the Paracord Bracelets that I make.  With my Mom’s help I now have a STORE on my website and my bracelets are now for sale in two different sizes. Check out my store: I will probably be doing a video …

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Feb 09

Book Of The Week – The Search For The Snow Leopard

This story is about a snow leopard that was taken for the zoo and about a poacher that is trying to kill the Hardy Boys but failed to kill them. The author is Franklin w. Dixon It was cool and I liked it because of all the action.

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Nov 07

Brownie & Slick to the Rescue

We went to look at our traps and we saw a monster. We ran and Mom and I got away.  My Dad went back to take care of it with his gun and he hit the monster with the gun then shot it, but it didn’t die so my Dad ran for his horse and …

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