Category Archive: Stories from the wilderness

Nov 06

Dedicated to Slickity & Brownie – Two Special Dogs

Today my Mammy and Pappy had to put Slickity down. He was a good dog and I wish they didn’t have to put him down but they had to because he is blind from diabetes and some of his organs were failing.

I liked slickity because he liked to play and he liked it when he got petted by me.

Slickity is the white dog on the right and the chocolate lab on the left was Brownie.  Today was a sad day for Mammy and Pappy because Brownie passed away a while back and he was like 16 years old.  Both dogs were such good buddies.

My Mammy shared this below with me today and I thought it was pretty cool!

The Rainbow Bridge

Because of its many colors, the bridge connecting Heaven and Earth has come to be known as the Rainbow Bridge.

Just this side of the bridge,  there is a land of  meadows, hills and lush green valleys. when a Beloved pet  dies,  this wonderful place serves as their home. There is always  an abundance of food  and water and warm sunshine. Old and frail  animals  are young again , and those who  have been maimed are made whole. They make new friends and and play all day.

There  is one thing missing from these carefree surroundings though, the companionship of their loving masters.  Time  passes and soon another day comes  when one of them is distracted by a familiar scent. With  nose twitching,ears at attention and eyes staring  in delight, this one runs from the group….

You  have been seen.

As you embrace, your face is kissed again  and again and again, and once more you look into the eyes of your loyal companion.

You cross the Rainbow bridge together, never again  to  be separated.

Mammy and Pappy this post is for you both and Slickity Pickity and Brownie.


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Sep 11

Bible Quizzing

This is the third year that I am bible quizzing. Bible quizzing is about learning gods word, memorizing bible verses and having a good time with my friends.  The first time I had a hard time because I was nervous and uncomfortable.  At first I didn’t like it then after a while I got used  to it.

Last year I did better and I’m excited about this year.


I am quizzing on the book of Matthew and the 1st chapter.


I am looking for sponsors if any one is interested.

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