Category Archive: New Store Item

Dec 12

Light Pink and Florescent Pink Paracord Bracelets are now available!

Mountain Boy Journals Pink Paracord


Just in time for Christmas!   I’ve had so many requests for pink paracord bracelets so I have add a light pink and a florescent pink to my store today.

The child’s size bracelet has roughly 8′ of cord and the adult size is roughly 9′ of cord which is a great amount to have on you at all times and is extremely useful in survival situations.  If you don’t like to have things on your wrist these are also very useful in attaching things to your pack or just hanging off your pack.

Here is a link to my store:

Thanks for stopping by!  Merry Christmas and God Bless!


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Mar 05

Mountain Boy Journals has a store

Today, while I was out in my tree house I decided to started selling the Paracord Bracelets that I make.  With my Mom’s help I now have a STORE on my website and my bracelets are now for sale in two different sizes.

Mountain Boy Journals - Paracord Bracelets

Check out my store:

I will probably be doing a video upcoming on how to make them.

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