Category Archive: 30 Days of Thankfulness

Nov 05

Mountain Boy Journals 30 Days of Thankfulness


I’d like to have you join me for “30 Days of Thankfulness“.  My Mom of  Mountain Woman Journals asked if I would like to join her.  I decided I wanted to be included so that I could try to make a difference in the world.

Please watch our short video below and I would really like it if you would stop by everyday and share with me what you are THANKFUL for in the comments at the bottom of my posts or you can visit my Facebook page and share your comments there too.

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Nov 02

Mountain Boy Journals 30 Days of Thankfulness – Day 2


Day 2: I am thankful for my home

because it is warm because

we have a wood stove in it

and my house has a lot of cool

stuff in it.


Featured at the Homestead Bloggers Network

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Nov 01

Mountain Boy Journals 30 Days of Thankfulness – Day 1


Day 1: I am thank for my parents

because they  give me good food to

eat  and my Dad made  the house

that I live in and the table that I eat at.


Featured at the Homestead Bloggers Network

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