
Author's details

Name: Austin Sieger
Date registered: July 27, 2012

Latest posts

  1. The Rewards of Homesteading Raising Goats — January 16, 2015
  2. My recent homeschool knifetti shop project — May 18, 2014
  3. Hiking and Antler Hunting — February 9, 2014
  4. Our New Horse — January 22, 2014
  5. My 1955 Willy Utility Wagon Project — January 22, 2014

Most commented posts

  1. Maybe a cabin on stilts or a stilt house?? — 6 comments
  2. Building my tree house or is it a cabin? — 5 comments
  3. Mountain Boy Journals 30 Days of Thankfulness – Day 8 — 2 comments
  4. Mountain Boy Journals 30 Days of Thankfulness – Day 7 — 2 comments

Author's posts listings

Aug 02

Bible Verse Of The Week – Colossians

Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience

Colossians 3:12

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Aug 02

Book Of The Month – Kilkenny by Louis L’amour – July 2012

I real like to read.  Every chance I get I read a book.

The  story is real good.  It is about a man named Kilkenny, he is a tough man.  He was a good hand with a gun.  He had a lot of enemies that wanted  to kill him and he was helping the sheriff out to capture the bad guy. But before they capture  the  bad guy the marshal was killed.  Then the good guys were in a house and the gun men were in trees outside.   Kilkenny was up on the mountain and shot one of the men in a tree and then he came down to free the good guys.  The bad guys headed up the mountain to find Kilkenny.

You will have to read the rest to see how it ends.

I like the Louis L’Amour books because  of all the action in them.

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Aug 02

Maybe a cabin on stilts or a stilt house??




My cabin on stilts is all most done.  All the walls are done and the roof is nearly done. We put the windows in and the floor is in. We have to put the rest of the roof on and there will be a look out on top.  Yesterday we put in the top & bottom part of the dutch door and when I come back, Glen and I will finish the cabin on stilts.

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Jul 27

Building my tree house or is it a cabin?

We were doing  the  floor on the tree house and the support beams  were done a couple of days ago.  I will update you on our progress.

I will also start posting my Lego creations weekly and my book of the month.  Right now I am reading Kilkenny by Louis L’Amour

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