
Author's details

Name: Austin Sieger
Date registered: July 27, 2012

Latest posts

  1. The Rewards of Homesteading Raising Goats — January 16, 2015
  2. My recent homeschool knifetti shop project — May 18, 2014
  3. Hiking and Antler Hunting — February 9, 2014
  4. Our New Horse — January 22, 2014
  5. My 1955 Willy Utility Wagon Project — January 22, 2014

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  1. Maybe a cabin on stilts or a stilt house?? — 6 comments
  2. Building my tree house or is it a cabin? — 5 comments
  3. Mountain Boy Journals 30 Days of Thankfulness – Day 8 — 2 comments
  4. Mountain Boy Journals 30 Days of Thankfulness – Day 7 — 2 comments

Author's posts listings

Jan 16

The Rewards of Homesteading Raising Goats

The Rewards of Homesteading - raising goatsHere on our homestead, one of my chores is to care for our animals.  We have chickens, meat rabbits and milk goats.

Our two goats were expecting and the kids arrived this week.

It was very very very very cool to see the girls that I cared for deliver their little babies.

We started out with two goats and now have 6.

We have the goats for their milk because I can not drink cows milk, but I can have goats milk.

Once the babies are weened from their Momma’s we will milk them for their fresh milk so we can make different cheeses, butter, yogurt, homemade pudding and ice cream and so much more.

This experience was AWESOME and I am glad that we have the babies to take care of.

Goats are very cool and unique.  The bleat when they hear my voice and are excited to see me which is a nice feeling.

They are getting really big and spunky.  I look forward to watching them grow and do the funny things that goats do.  I also look forward to sharing some future videos with you so you too can enjoy them with me!

Thanks for joining me and look forward to some weekly posts on new happenings.

God bless!

Austin †

PS: Have you ever cared for a goat?  Do you have a funny story to share about goats in particular or maybe another animal?
Online Intermediate Herbal Course

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May 18

My recent homeschool knifetti shop project

20140518-140551-50751978.jpgHomeschooling allows me a lot of privileges and I get to learn something new everyday.  My Dad allowed me to make a new tool for myself in his smithy.  I had a machetti, but it wasn’t holding up to my hard use.  Together, with my Dad’s guidance I made what we called a Knifetti because it is not just a machetti.  Check out my video below.

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Feb 09

Hiking and Antler Hunting

Mountain Boy Shed HuntingMy Mom and I went out for a walk and I found a four point antler.  It was a good size four pointer. I tried to hide the antler from my mom and she didn’t see it at first then I smiled and showed her my find.

We headed home through the wilderness still looking for just one more antler.  It becomes addicting looking for sheds and there is so much area to cover.

We were lucky enough to get out the next day as well and I found another antler.  It was an older shed and the mice had chewed on it, but it is still usable for making something.

Mountain Boy Shed Hunting

You can use the antlers for knife handles, silverware handles, for carving, you can make buttons, you can use them for candle holders, you can use two antlers together and rattle them to call in deer and really the uses are endless.

Below are two videos from our days out.

Stay tuned my Mom and I made some things with the chewed antler that I found.

God bless!




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Jan 22

Our New Horse

Our New Horse - Mountain Boy JournalsWe have gotten a horse.  He is a little small, but stout.  He has packed live things and dead things on it so it is used to carrying blood which means we can use him during hunting season.  He was from a pack train in Montana originally, but we could use him for a lot of things around our homestead.

He will be a lot of fun to have around and we can use him during this trapping season to get around the wilderness.  I can use him to drag or carry my deer to the house when I kill one next hunting season.  He lives around my tree house.  He is able to go under my tree house to keep dry and out the weather.  He seems happy to be with my family and my Mom has had a good time riding him.   We are really happy to have a horse and he will be a lot of fun and very useful.   Stay tuned for many more stories about the horse, of course.


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